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It has been 3 years since Eyecon International recieved crushing new's with the diagnosis of cancer for one of it's founding partners, Jackie Valentine. Jackie is currently strong and continuing her battle against Stage 4 Breast Cancer.  Due to her on-going treatment and inability to travel for extended periods of time, we have closed the event photography business after almost 25 years.

We will be happy to repost any of the images from our archives, just drop us an email and note the approximate date, event name, team or group, jersey number or any other info that may help us identify your images.

We have focused our efforts on our fine art gallery.  Stop by to see our collection of fine art  including art from noted artists like Erte', Peter Max, Colleen Rowland, Valentine, Frank Howell as well as original artwork.  The gallery is located at: Eye Contact Fine Art Gallery .

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 Vince Kaminski, Eyecon International

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